Dekko Toys Flash Pad Mac In 1975 Dekko Toys Flash Pad How To Use WiĮmbassy Issues Indonesia Security Alert ahead of Election Results Polisi Indonesia juga mengungkapkan bahwa beberapa tersangka telah belajar cara menggunakan Wi-Fi untuk meledakkan perangkat peledak, tetapi tidak menguraikan secara jelas seberapa canggih rencana mereka.Indonesian police also revealed that some of the suspects have learned how to use Wi-Fi to detonate explosive devices, but it was not immediately clear how advanced their plans were.Īncaman Aksi Teroris 22 Mei, Polri Tangkap Puluhan Terduga Teroris Indonesia Arrests Dozens of Terror Suspects ahead of Poll Results Delapan terduga teroris lainnya tewas dalam kontak senjata dengan pihak berwenang, kata polisi, termasuk istri seorang gerilyawan yang meledakkan dirinya dan seorang anak menyusul perselisihan dramatis di rumah mereka pada Maret.Eight other suspects had been killed in confrontations with authorities, police said, including the wife of a militant who blew up herself and a child following a dramatic standoff at their home in March.